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The great gatsby literary analysis essay

"The Great Gatsby" is a timeless masterpiece that has endured the test of time due to its exploration of complex themes and literary techniques. Whether you are analyzing the book as a commentary on the excesses of the Roaring Twenties or as a timeless exploration of the human condition, a reliable paper writing service can assist you in crafting an insightful and well-written literary analysis essay. With expert writers available around the clock, you can be sure that your essay will meet the highest standards of academic excellence and capture the essence of this literary gem. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a classic American novel that is often studied in literature classes. The book tells the story of Jay Gatsby, a wealthy man who tries to win back his former love, Daisy Buchanan. While the plot of the book is certainly captivating, it is the themes and literary techniques used by Fitzgerald that make "The Great Gatsby" such a timeless work of art. One of the most prominent themes in the book is the idea of the American Dream. Gatsby is the epitome of this dream, having risen from a poor background to become a wealthy and successful man. However, despite his material success, Gatsby is unable to attain his ultimate goal of winning back Daisy. Fitzgerald uses this theme to comment on the nature of the American Dream, suggesting that it may be an unattainable ideal that ultimately leads to disappointment and disillusionment. Another important theme in the book is the idea of love and relationships. Throughout the story, Gatsby is driven by his desire to be with Daisy, whom he sees as the embodiment of all his hopes and dreams. However, the relationship between Gatsby and Daisy is ultimately doomed, as they are unable to overcome the social barriers that separate them. Fitzgerald uses this theme to comment on the complexity of human relationships, suggesting that even the strongest love may be unable to overcome the forces of society and circumstance. In addition to these themes, Fitzgerald also employs a range of literary techniques to create a rich and complex narrative. One of the most notable of these techniques is the use of symbolism. Throughout the book, Fitzgerald uses a range of symbols to represent various ideas and themes. For example, the green light at the end of Daisy's dock represents Gatsby's ultimate goal, while the valley of ashes represents the bleak and desolate landscape of modernity. Fitzgerald also employs a range of narrative techniques to create a sense of depth and complexity in the story. For example, the book is narrated by Nick Carraway, who is both an observer of the events and a participant in them. This allows Fitzgerald to explore the different perspectives of the characters, and to create a rich and nuanced narrative that captures the complexity of human experience.